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Family Law:


Name Company Telephone Email/Website
Catherine A. Amador
Pascuzzi, Moore & Stoker 559-227-1100 camador@pascuzzi.net
Zeppy Attashian
Law Office of Zeppy Attashian 559-233-3355 zeppy@gmail.com
Julia Ann Brungess
Attorney at Law 559-226-4008 brungess@attitude.com
Erin M. Childs
Childs Law Office, A PLC 559-225-6769 www.childslawoffice.com
Katherine E. Donovan
Law Officers of Katherine E. Donovan 559-228-6655 cathi@kdonovanlaw.com
Kristina Garabedian
not listed 559-970-1838 kristina.garabedian@gmail.com
Erica Gonzalez
Margaree Mason Center 559-487-1755 ericagonzalez01@gmail.com
Susan Hemb
Hemb Law Group 559-241-7050
Cindy J. Hopper
CJ. Hopper Law Inc. 559-268-2111 Cindy@hopperlaw.onmicrosoft.com
Honorable David Kalemkarian
Fresno Superior Court 559-457-6335
Teri Ann Kezirian
Law Offices of Julia Ann Brungess 559- 226-4008 takerzirian@attitude.com
Jennifer Lawton
559-230-2600 jlawton@fresnofamilylaw.com
Pamela J. McFarland
Law Office of Pamel J. McFarland 559-225-8895 pammatty@aol.com
Rebecca Medina
Lerandeau & Lerandeau, LLP 559-230-2600 rebecca@kmfamilylaw.com
Honorable Kimberly Nystrom-Geist
Fresno Superior Court 559-457-6302
Richard Ruiz
law Offices of Richard A. Ruiz 559-224-1115 r.ruiz101@verizon.net
Lacey N. Sanchez
Law Officer of Nancy J. Stegall 559-237-6800 lsanchez@cv-familylaw.com
Lenore Schreiber
Law Office of Lenore Schreiber 559-441-1666 Lenore@LSchreiber.com
Leslie A. Soley
Judith Leslie Soley, Inc. 559-265-4292 office@soleylaw.com
Jamie K. Xiong-Vang
Central California Legal Services 559-570-1238 jxiong@centralcallegal.org




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